A Categorical Representation Language and Computational System for Knowledge-Based Robotic Task Planning

AAAI Unifying Representations for Robot Application Development (URRAD) Fall Symposium 2023

Angeline Aguinaldo, Evan Patterson, James Fairbanks, William Regli, Jaime Ruiz

October 25, 2023


Angeline Aguinaldo

PhD Candidate

University of Maryland, College Park  
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Evan Patterson

Research Software Engineer

Topos Institute

James Fairbanks

Assistant Professor

University of Florida

William Regli


University of Maryland, College Park

Jaime Ruiz

Associate Professor

University of Florida

1.1 Modeling real-world domains for task planning is hard

Let’s imagine ourselves as a domain modeler…

  • Want to be able to model everything. Having many objects and relations in a scene can result in a combinatorial explosion of the search space due to the large number of facts.
  • Want implicit ontological facts to be preserved after actions are applied. Implicit structure is not propagated when an action is applied, even when using domain axioms (Thiébaux, Hoffmann, and Nebel 2005).
  • Want action models to be able to be defined generically. Because structure is not implicitly preserved, it is important that all action effects are accounted for in the action model.

Ai2Thor (Kolve et al. 2017) Kitchen Scene

1.2 How is it done today?

(Amiri, Chandan, and Zhang 2022),(Galindo et al. 2008),(Miao, Jia, and Sun 2023),(Agia et al. 2021)

1.3 What is our proposed approach?


2 Category theory background

2.1 What is a category?

Definition: A category, \(\cat{C}\), consists of:

  • a collection of objects, \(\text{Ob}(\cat{C})\)
  • a collection of morphisms for every pairs of objects, \(\text{Hom}_\cat{C}(X,Y)\) for \(X, Y \in \text{Ob}(\cat{C})\)
  • a composition operation, if \(f: X \rightarrow Y\), \(g: Y \rightarrow Z\) then \(g \circ f: X \rightarrow Z\)
  • an identity morphism for every object, \(1_X: X \rightarrow X\)

satisfying the associativity law \(h \circ (g \circ f) = (h \circ g) \circ f\) and unitality laws \(f \circ 1_x = f\) and \(1_y \circ f = f\) whenever these equations make sense.

2.2 What is a functor and natural transformation?

Definition: A functor, \(F: \cat{C} \rightarrow \cat{D}\), from a category \(\cat{C}\) to a category \(\cat{D}\), has two components, \(F_0\) and \(F_1\), where:

  • \(F_0\) is a map between objects

    \(F_0: \text{Ob}(\cat{C}) \rightarrow \text{Ob}(\cat{D})\)

  • \(F_1\) is a map between morphism sets

    \(F_1: \text{Hom}_\cat{C}(X, Y) \rightarrow \text{Hom}_\cat{D}(F_0(X), F_0(Y))\)

such that,

  • \(F_1(g \circ f) = F_1(g) \circ F_1(f)\) for \(f: X \rightarrow Y\) and \(g: Y \rightarrow Z\) in \(\cat{C}\)
  • \(F_1(1_X) = 1_{F_0(X)}\) for every \(X \in \cat{C}\)

Taken from the nLab

Definition: For functors, \(F: \cat{C} \rightarrow \cat{D}\) and \(G: \cat{C} \rightarrow \cat{D}\), a natural transformation between \(\alpha: F \rightarrow G\) that associates every object in \(C\) and with a morphism in \(D\) such that composition is preserved.

3 Approach: C-sets and Double-Pushout (DPO) rewriting

3.1 What is a C-set?

Definition: A \(\cat{C}\)-set is a functor from \(\cat{C} \rightarrow \cat{FinSet}\). \(\cat{FinSet}\) is a category whose objects are finite sets and whose morphisms are set function maps.


Example: An example \(\cat{C}\)-set, called \(G\), that stores data about people’s favorite pet.

The category of elements construction (Riehl 2016) packages the data of \(G\) into a category resembling a knowledge graph (Patterson 2017).

3.2 What is Double-Pushout (DPO) rewrite rule?

Definition: The category \(\catSet{C}\) is a category whose objects are \(\cat{C}\)-set functors and whose morphisms are natural transformations.

Action rules are specified as spans in \(\catSet{C}\).

4 Let’s Plan!

4.1 Let’s define a world state

using Catlab
using AlgebraicRewriting

@present OntBreadOnly(FreeSchema) begin
  ## Objects

  ## Morphisms
  f::Hom(BreadSlice, BreadLoaf)  # is part of
  g::Hom(BreadLoaf, Thing)  # is-a
  h::Hom(Countertop, Thing)  # is-a
  l::Hom(Stool, Thing)  # is-a

  ## Relations
  inOn_l::Hom(InOn, Thing)
  inOn_r::Hom(InOn, Thing)

# Create a C-set type based on ontology
const BreadOnly = DynamicACSet("BreadOnly", OntBreadOnly)

For more information about Catlab.jl and AlgebraicRewriting.jl, visit https://www.algebraicjulia.org/.

Ai2Thor (Kolve et al. 2017) Kitchen Scene
state = @acset_colim yBreadOnly begin

  # Items in the scene
  (slice0, slice1, slice2)::BreadSlice

  # Nature's Own Breadloaf has three slices
  # f::Hom(BreadSlice, BreadLoaf)
  f(slice0) == naturesOwn  # is part of
  f(slice1) == naturesOwn  # is part of
  f(slice2) == naturesOwn  # is part of

  # Breadloaf is on countertop (relation)
  inOn_l(thing_on_thing) == naturesOwn
  inOn_r(thing_on_thing) == myCountertop

  # Breadloaf, counterop, and stool are things
  # g::Hom(BreadLoaf, Thing)
  # h::Hom(Countertop, Thing)
  # l::Hom(Stool, Thing)
  (thing1, thing2, thing3)::Thing
  g(naturesOwn) == thing1
  h(myCountertop) == thing2
  l(myStool) == thing3

│ BreadLoaf │ g │
│         1 │ 2 │
│ BreadSlice │ f │
│          1 │ 1 │
│          2 │ 1 │
│          3 │ 1 │
│ Countertop │ h │
│          1 │ 1 │
│ Stool │ l │
│     1 │ 3 │
│ InOn │ inOn_l │ inOn_r │
│    1 │      2 │      1 │

4.2 Let’s define a rewrite rule


d = DRule(@migration(SchRule, OntBreadOnly, begin
  L => @join begin
    (thing1, thing2)::Thing

    g(breadloaf) == thing1
    h(countertop) == thing2

    inOn_l(thing_on_thing) == breadloaf
    inOn_r(thing_on_thing) == countertop
  K => @join begin
  R => @join begin
    (thing1, thing2)::Thing

    g(breadloaf) == thing1
    h(stool) == thing2

    inOn_l(thing_on_thing) == breadloaf
    inOn_r(thing_on_thing) == stool
  l => begin
    thing => thing1
    breadloaf => breadloaf
    countertop => countertop
    stool => stool
  r => begin
    thing => thing1
    breadloaf => breadloaf
    countertop => countertop
    stool => stool

4.3 Let’s apply the rule

new_state = apply_rule(move_bread_action, state)
│ BreadLoaf │ g │
│         1 │ 1 │
│ BreadSlice │ f │
│          1 │ 1 │
│          2 │ 1 │
│          3 │ 1 │
│ Countertop │ h │
│          1 │ 3 │
│ Stool │ l │
│     1 │ 2 │
│ InOn │ inOn_l │ inOn_r │
│    1 │      1 │      2 │


4.3.1 Ways rewriting can fail

  • Dangling condition, unable to resolve mapping after the double pushout
  • Objects are not properly identified because they not being included in the K (keep) part of the rule

4.4 What does forward planning look like?

ForwardPlan(world::ACSet, goal::ACSet, rules_dict::Dict, rule_limits::Dict, config::FFConfig)
Executes forward planning search to find a sequence or all sequences of applicable DPO rewriting rules. A sequence of applicable DPO rewriting rules that transform an initial state to a goal state is called a plan.
function ForwardPlan(world::ACSet, goal::ACSet, rules_dict::Dict, rule_limits::Dict, config::FFConfig)

  # Exit criteria: goal is reached
  if homomorphism(goal, world, monic=true) !== nothing 
    println("Goal reached.")
    return plan

  applicable = find_applicable_rules(world, rules_dict)

  # Backtrack criteria: no applicable rules
  if length(applicable) <= 0
    throw("No applicable rules found! Terminate path...")

    for rule_hom in applicable  # try all applicable rules in order
      selected = rule_hom.first

      # Backtrack criteria: rule applied too many times
        if config.rule_usage[selected] >= rule_limits[selected]
          println("Abort path. Rule used too many times.")
        config.rule_usage[selected] = 1  # fails if key doesn't exist, initialize

      # apply rule and add to plan
      prev_world = world
        world = rewrite(rules_dict[selected].rule, world)
      catch e
        throw("Could not apply rule! " * string(e))
      append!(config.plan, [rules_dict[selected].rule => rule_hom.second])  # include both rule and matched homomorphism

        config.num_step =+ 1
        config.plan = ForwardPlan(world, goal, rules_dict, rule_limits, config)
        return config.plan
      catch e
        world = prev_world
        println("Path failed. Try a different path.")
        # println(string(e))
  catch e
    throw("Something went wrong with error: " * string(e))

  println("No plan found.")

5 Conclusion

5.1 Future Work

5.1.1 Parameterize action models using constraints

Leverage composition to factor out applicability constraints and parameterize generic action models

5.1.2 Migrating plans from one domain (ontology) to another

Use functorial data migration (Spivak 2012) to translate actions to new domain ontologies

5.2 In Summary


  • Our categorical representation allows a user to formalize the ontological model of the domain and instantiate structured knowledge based on the ontology.
  • This method provides formal semantics for the use of knowledge graphs and relational databases to model world states and updates in planning.
  • Future work include designing mechanisms for transferring plans between domains and extending this system to handle non-combinatorial data, such as numeric data.

5.3 Acknowledgements


  • This work was partially funded by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under contract #HR00112220004.
  • We thank Kristopher Brown and Owen Lynch from the Topos Institute for heavily contributing to the development of DPO rewriting and \(\catSet{C}\) in AlgebraicJulia.
  • We also thank the students of the Ruiz HCI LabAlexander Barquero, Rodrigo Calvo, Niriksha Regmi, Daniel Delgado, Andrew Tompkins—who built the task guidance platform that inspired the examples in this paper.
  • We thank Dana Nau for valuable feedback about this paper.

5.4 References

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Amiri, Saeid, Kishan Chandan, and Shiqi Zhang. 2022. Reasoning with Scene Graphs for Robot Planning under Partial Observability.” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2): 5560–67. https://doi.org/10.1109/LRA.2022.3157567.
Galindo, Cipriano, Juan Antonio Fernández-Madrigal, Javier González, and Alessandro Saffiotti. 2008. Robot task planning using semantic maps.” Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56 (11): 955–66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.robot.2008.08.007.
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